彼らが運命をともにすると申し出た人たち; (やや気取って尊大に)彼らが結婚を申し込む相手の人たちの英語
- those with whom they propose to unite their fortunes
結婚を申し込む 1: 1. ask someone to marry one 2. ask someone's hand in marriage 3. make an offer of marriage 4. make the marriage proposal 5. offer a proposal of marriage 6. offer one's hand 7. propose marriage 結婚を申し
彼らがホームレスの人たちに毛布を配給するだろう: They will distribute the blankets to homeless people.
女性に結婚を申し込む: 1. ask for a lady's hand 2. make a proposal to a woman
友人たちとともに: with a group of friends
彼らは自分たちの家に泊まるようにと私に申し出た: They offered to let me stay at their house.
~に…を申し込む: apply to ~ for
彼らは、そのグループとともに毎日活動している人たちです。: They are the people who are out there doing things with the group everyday.
なぜ彼らが結婚したのか不思議だ。: I wonder about their marriage.
彼らが結婚して最初の1年間: during the whole first year of their marriage
あの人たち: those people
他の人たち: other people
例の人たち: what's-their-name / what-do-you-call-them〔名前を思い出せない[出したくない]人たちの代用語として使われる〕
昔の人たち: 1. men of former days 2. men of old 3. men of other days 4. older generation
あなたに結婚を申し込みたい: I would like to propose to you.
ジャックの母は、彼と彼の友人たちはうちのゲリラどもだと言ったが、それでも彼らが好きだった。: Jack's mom said he and his friends were a bunch of house guerrillas [guerillas], but she loved them anyway.